What on earth is a BHAG I hear you ask?
Well in business speak it is an acronym for a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. It’s the kind of commitment that you make after consuming several large vodkas, that moment when you suddenly declare you are going to complete 10 Ironman races in 10 days, swim the channel wearing only a mankini or climb Everest carrying a fridge. Eyebrows are raised and your friends glance at each other and let out a collective laugh.
Most of us are used to setting goals, maybe to complete an ironman, dip under 2 hours for an Standard distance race or beat a previous personal best. All of these are fantastic aims. However for a goal to qualify as a BHAG it needs to pass the following feasibility test: is it long term and easily understood. Will it stretch you out of your comfort zone, is it measurable, life changing and most importantly does it excite, motivate and stimulate.
To illustrate here is an example of a BHAG:
A few months ago I was approached by a newcomer to triathlon with the view to coaching her. We arranged an initial meeting where I asked my usual question “what’s the dream?, what’s your BHAG?” The usual reply to this question is something like: to complete my first triathlon, get fitter or to learn front crawl On this particular occasion however, the reply was to ‘represent Great Britain at the World Championships. I was slightly taken aback with this, response particularly as this Newbie could hardly complete a length of front crawl and had little if any history of competitive biking or running. My initial reaction (which thankfully I managed to hide) was to raise my eyebrows and let out a laugh. Fast forward just nine months to Australia’s Gold Coast and that newbie triathlete Tori Peter has just completed the World Championships representing GB and finishing well in the top half of her age group.
As Tori’s coach I was privileged to be able to witness first hand the commitment and hard work that Tori put in over the previous few months. Turbo sessions at midnight, early morning swim sessions fighting of that most vicious of breeds the recreational breast-stroker and pounding the treadmill at all hours. Her journey was far from smooth, a bad accident whilst on a training camp in Lanzarote, losing a tooth whilst opening a gel on the bike and having to also spend long hours running her own business. All of these could easily have derailed the ambition. But as we have learned a true BHAG will stretch and test you, it requires a focus and determination and a sense of self belief.
A massive congratulations to Tori on her achievement and a question to you all….. What’s your BHAG?
Lanza training buddies That feeling! Raring to go Early season Hiding the nerves
Here at Peak XV Coaching we are passionate about supporting people to achieve their own BHAG. Start your journey by getting in touch and let’s see if you can raise our eyebrows.
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