Certified Ironman Coach Quin Beech Helping Robin
Training for Ironman Israel is not an easy undertaking at any time or place, especially when you work full time a thousand miles away on the French coast. This did not stop Robin from signing up to have a go. At the time of signing up for the event Robin was not being coached and was piling valuable time and effort into his training for Ironman events. He had successfully completed 2 full distance (Ironman Vichy and Ironman Portugal – Cascais ) but unfortunately, and sadly, scored a DNF at his third attempt (also Ironman Portugal ). With the event fast approaching he contacted Peak XV Tri Coaching’s certified Ironman coach Quin Beech to help with his training for Ironman Israel.
An assessment by Quin soon showed that the big problem was a lack of time. Because of the lack of time available it was not possible to help Robin with a full Ironman training program. The solution was agreed in a franc and honest video meeting between coach and athlete. Quin and Robin agreed to work together on a short recovery and preparation plan that would help Robin complete Ironman Israel in Tiberias.
The first workouts followed rest days, and were all tests to establish just where Robin was on his Ironman journey. The tests in swim, bike and run were very encouraging in that they showed that Robin was a fit healthy man with loads of potential. The next job was to help him use what he had, to allow him to complete and even enjoy Tiberias.
The plan that Quin put together to help Robin was very race specific and included a lot of ‘Brick’ sessions both swim to bike and bike to run. Intensity in shorter sessions were used to provide stimulus and maintain form without hindering recovery or inducing to much to fatigue. All to quickly it was race day and Robin found himself staring into the waters of the Sea of Galilee.
You would be forgiven for imaging that Ironman Israel Tiberias would be a hot desert and sandals kind of event, however our newly prepared Peak XV athlete Robin stared into a mirky Sea of Galilee under a very murky sky. He got wet in the swim, wet on the bike and very wet on the run. None of which mattered as he ran down that beautiful red carpet to hear “Robin you are an Ironman” – Success in 13hrs 20mins 54secs. This is so much better than a DNF.

SWIM – Ironman Israel
Despite history recording a guy walking on this particular water, Robin opted for wetsuit and freestyle.
The full Ironman at Tiberias takes place with a 70.3 race at the same time. Robin doing the full took to the water first having to swim 2 laps of the 3.8km course, on his second lap they caught the stragglers of the 70.3 event which made his progress challenging. Robin recorded an astounding 4,431m on his gps watch, 631m longer than the official course and apparently some other athletes that he spoke to, recorded similar distances. He exited the water in 1:28:28 a descent time if 3.8K, and very good if 4.4K.
Whatever the accurate distance, the main thing was that Robin reports leaving the water feeling fresh and ready to go again, running into transition, when normally he would be fatigued and needing to walk. So far so good.
Once again the decision to mix the 70.3 racers caused problems for the full distance as apparently it was crazy busy and impossible to do a speedy T1. Everything was wet and on grass and chaos ruled.

BIKE – Ironman Israel
The Ironman Tiberias bike course is 2 laps, around the shores of the Sea of Galilee, infuriatingly it doesn’t fully circumnavigate the entire sea. It turns around a few km’s short heading back around the shores before doing it for a second time without ever having gone all the way around. I’d find that infuriating for some silly reason but often there are logistics that we are not aware of which force the race organisers hand. However this course is safe, flat, fast on descent closed roads. On the day, the weather was not kind and it was very windy and rained on and off. Inevitably this slowed times.
Robin fuelled on gels that he was used to taking and he followed a fuelling plan that he and his coach Quin had agreed upon before the race. It certainly helped Robin power his bike over the 180Km in a very respectable 6hrs 17mins.
It may have been quicker but for a puncture in the last km or so.

RUN – Ironman Israel
Robin would tell you that, it is the run that he finds most difficult, he’s a tall broad guy, a big man, and running is a challenge. Fortunately the last few weeks of Peak XV tri coaching sessions really helped. Coach Quin had introduced Robin to run walk training and added these to many ‘Brick’ sessions that Robin had done. On race day it helped Robin focus on breaking the distance down into doable chunks and allowed him to better fuel and recover, extending his endurance.
The run course of Ironman Israel is a 4 loop route along the shores of the Sea of Galilee and Tiberias city centre. Its flat and should be fast but on race day it was wet windy and puddles everywhere. Robin was well fuelled on the bike because he followed the agreed plan, he now stuck to the race run plan and took regular walking and fuelling breaks. This strategy worked for him and he completed the run in 5hrs 13mins.

Robin’s next ‘A’ race will be Ironman Sweden in Kalmar. It is an important part of our Peak XV Tri Coaching philosophy and service to help athletes select races. As part of the process Quin and Robin discussed ideas and possibilities and mutually agreed that Kalmar was a great target for Robin next August 2023.
Robin wants to improve, he wants to go under 13 hours, he wants to be able to enjoy the run, he wants to be the best that he can be. That is why he is now working with Peak XV and Quin. He wanted the best triathlon coaching and he has got it. He has turned around his performance in just a few weeks and is keen to start training for Ironman Sweden next August.
Firstly Robin will enter a recovery phase, in fact he is already chilling and enjoying his enforced rest and recovery.
Over the coming weeks he will start base training with an emphasis on aerobic and technique. A greater focus will be placed upon his run training as he has historically tended to avoid this due to a general dislike of running. Quin has plans to make his runs more enjoyable and will work closely with him to improve his run technique and fitness.
Robin works full time and needs to be able to fit his training in and around his busy life. The tri coaching sessions being prepared by Quin are all flexible and are agreed with Robin. They use the Training Peaks App to communicate the sessions, record the data and communicate feedback. An essential part of why this training is working is because of the excellent coach/athlete relationship that they have.
Quite a journey training for Ironman Israel then Ironman Sweden. Good luck Robin.
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