by Quin Beech | Dec 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
TRAINING FOR IRONMAN ISRAEL Certified Ironman Coach Quin Beech Helping Robin Training for Ironman Israel is not an easy undertaking at any time or place, especially when you work full time a thousand miles away on the French coast. This did not stop Robin from signing...
by Quin Beech | Nov 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
BEST IRONMAN FLORIDA COACHING THIERRY BILLET GETS 3 PB’s By Quin Beech Certified Ironman Coach providing the best ironman Florida coaching experience. I’ve just had the great pleasure of seeing a very, very happy man. Thierry completed the Florida Ironman on...
by Garrie | Apr 5, 2022 | Peak XV News
The Marathon des Sable is one of those events that often appears on people’s bucket lists, and often it stays firmly in that bucket. Forget Ironman, this is one brutal challenge! Peak XV Tri Coaching athlete Peter met that challenge with a specific Marathon des Sables...
by Garrie | Jun 1, 2021 | Uncategorised
” The Peak XV Ironman Bolton Training weekend does what it says on the can” – “An essential weekend for those doing Ironman UK” – ” Best prep I could have had for my Ironman” These are just a few of the comments from the...
by Garrie | Sep 21, 2020 | Uncategorised
Triathlon Racing after COVID Following what seems like forever Peak XV Triathletes have at last been able to don the neoprene, eat crazily early breakfast and experience the emotional highs and lows of triathlon racing after COVID. Peak XV Triathlon Coaching for...
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